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European Award for Citizenship Security and Defence
Winners 2024
The jury met on Monday, October 07, 2024 at the André Maginot National Federation in Paris.
The ceremony took place on Monday 18 November, at the Embassy of ESTONIA, during the pre-event reception of the Berlin Security Conference, a major event in the World
The European Prize ‘Citizenship, Security and Defence’ has been awarded to the ‘WW2 Escape Lines Memorial Society’
This Society, known as ELMS, was originally forged during a series of fundraising challenges undertaken by Roger Stanton and a group of fellow ex-military volunteers, to assist the RAFES [Royal Air Forces Escaping Society] increase their funds to support the ‘helpers’ who had aided RAF crews, and others, ‘on the run’ in Europe to return to England. The challenges drew the attention and co-operation of many other former WW2 organisations, both in the UK and Europe. Initially this informal grouping of like-minds became ‘The Escape Lines Reunion’ which, in 2002, developed into ELMS, a voluntary membership organisation encompassing helpers, escapers, evaders, their families, researchers and supporters of many nationalities:
For their multiple and various activities: annual commemorative events, reunions, walking trails [escape line routes], thrice yearly Journals, lectures, research, website [both dissemination of Information and research queries], collaboration with other organizations, establishment of 3 memorials and a museum display, production of Education Packs for schools, and facilitating UK and EU students and military cadets to participate in commemorative trails and commemorative events in both UK and Europe.
photo CiDAN
The Prize for “outstanding achievements in promoting the European Security and Defence” to Mrs Claude-France Arnould;
Minister Plenipotentiary hors classe, Ambassador of France to the Kingdom of Belgium (2015-2019), Diplomatic Advisor to the French Government at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (2019-2020) for :
- a career in the French administrations and European Institutions dedicated to European Security and Defence,
- her outstanding work as Chief Executive of the EDA (2011-2015), which has helped to strengthen cooperation and solidarity within the EU in the field of defence and to improve common defence capabilities;
- her help to many young diplomats and civil servants to develop and grow their careers.
photo CIDAN
The Prize for “European values” to Mr Gérard Cardonne;
“Reporter Sans Frontières”, freelance journalist and author of multiple books, all having in the centre of interest human beings striving for freedom and justice in societies , where individuals are respected regardless their gender and origine, extremely engaged in humanitarian aid, organising events to collect money for building education facilities and health posts in countries under development.
photo CIDAN
A Special Commendation to EuroDéfense JOVEM Portugal;
Which, based in Lisbon, is a vibrant organisation that unites young people passionate about European security and defense. As the youth wing of EuroDefense-Portugal, its members strive to inspire future leaders by promoting dialogue, critical thinking, and collaboration on key issues affecting Europe’s future. Their mission is to involve young people in discussions on Europe’s security and defense challenges and opportunities. Through debates, conferences, and events across Portugal, they offer a platform for individuals from diverse academic backgrounds to engage and be heard.
photo CIDAN
A Special Commendation to the EPIS Thinktank;
EPIS Thinktank is a young international (in 20 countries) think tank for foreign affairs and security policy. As an organization, they offer students the opportunity to engage in European security policy. The think tank operates in this area in two ways: as a network and as a publisher. EPIS Thinktank is a young and rapidly growing organisation in European foreign and security policy, which has grown from 16 to 160 members, starting with a single magazine and now editing 100 publications annually.
photo CIDAN
Each Winner has received a trophy, a medal from the “Monnaie de Paris”, offered by the President of the French Republic and a diploma.
Winners 2023
The jury met on Monday, October 16, 2023 at the André Maginot National Federation in Paris
The ceremony took place on Tuesday 28 November, at the Emlbassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, during the pre-event reception of the Berlin Security Conference, a major event in the World
The European Prize “Citizenship, Security and Defence” is awarded to the “les Jeunes IHEDN”;
An Association which, through their European Committee, promotes reflection and facilitates the understanding of Security and Defence issues in Europe. Through various formats (conferences, round tables, visits, podcasts, publications, etc.), the association deals with multiple topics related to institutional, industrial, military and energy policies, among others.
The Prize for remembrance and reconciliation is awarded to the “Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.”;
This humanitarian organisation which, in addition to its official mission of recording, maintaining and caring for the graves of German war casualties abroad , maintains a link between civilians and the military, and encourages young people to come together to learn at the last resting places of war casualties. It includes in particular youth exchanges and work camps, participation in youth meetings and educational centres in Germany, France, Belgium and The Netherlands; PEACE LINE study trips, teaching in schools and colleges.
The Special Jury Prize is awarded to Mr R, Uwe Proll , Co-founder, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Behörden Spiegel, for his dedication throughout his whole career, to European Security and Defense issues, founding and maintaining the Berlin Security Conference since 2001, which is one of the largest European security and defence policy events.
Winners 2022
The jury, which met on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at the André Maginot National Federation in Paris, awarded the following awards:
The European Prize “Citizenship, Security and Defence” is awarded to the European Defence Network,
which brings together students and young professionals from different European countries, working on defence and security issues, with the aim of fostering knowledge of the institutions, as well as a European awareness, contributing to the development of a European defence.
photo Behoerden Spiegel/Trenkel
The Prize for European Values is awarded to Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering,
who has held leading positions, in particular that of President of the European Parliament from 2007 to 2009, and who has published widely on European issues, for his total commitment to the European construction, as well as to the defence and security of the European Union.
photo Behoerden Spiegel/Trenkel
Prize for Citizenship to the Norwegian Life Boat Society,
For the Professionalization of training and education of the Norwegian volunteer lifeboat crews. A new, structured, progressive, and comprehensive teaching and education program for Norwegian volunteer lifeboat crews has reduced the risk from serious accidents and improved organizational confidence and capability. This has directly benefited those 4200 individuals assisted and rescued by them each year,
photo Behoerden Spiegel/Trenkel
Prize for remembrance and reconciliation to Mr Hervé Altmeyer,
who has worked with energy and dedication for the Franco-German reconciliation, in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für historische Uniformkunde, mainly through ceremonies and activities in period uniforms.
photo Behoerden Spiegel/Trenkel
Winners 2020
The European Award, “Citizenship, Security and Defence” for the non-profit Organisation POST BELLUM (Czech Republic);
For the whole range of its activities, since 2001, aimed at recording memories, evidence and personal experience of the main historical events of the 20th Century, putting emphasis on life under totalitarian regimes. Using new methods to make history more appealing, POST BELLUM has contributed to the recovery and social cohesion of European society.
Mr Robert Walter, President of the European Security and Defence Association presents the award to
Mr. Martin Žáček, Political Section, Czech Embassy
photo Behoerden Spiegel BSC 2021
Special Award for “Peace and Security in Europe” to the non-governmental organisation LACHEN HELFEN e.V. (Germany);
For the whole range of its humanitarian action, since 1996, by soldiers and members of the police force taking part in external operations, adding to their normal activities by helping children living in conflict and crisis areas, and more especially for the building of a school in Mali – the first of its kind.
photo Behoerden Spiegel BSC 2021
Special Award for “Remembrance and Reconciliation” to the charity “Western Front Way” (United Kingdom), “Le Sentier du Front de l’Ouest” (France), “De Western Front Way” (Belgium), “Der Westfront-Weg” (Germany);
For the project, launched in 2015, to mark a Garden Way in “No Man’s Land” along the WWI Front Line – an idea suggested in a letter written by a young Scottish soldier just before his death in 1915 – from Nieuport on the Belgian coast to Pfetterhouse in the southern Vosges, a distance of 1000km including some 700 municipalities. In March 2020 the Belgian section was complete with plaques in place and gardens planted in France. People may choose whether to walk or ride the route by bicycle along this “Via Sacra” conceived as a Way of Peace, Remembrance, Reflection and Reconciliation.
photo Behoerden Spiegel BSC 2021
Special Awards by the Jury:
Brigadier general (ret) Reimar Scherz (Germany),
For his attachment to Europe, its Defence and Security, to the idea that a strong Europe may be built only with the support of its citizens, and for his help in ensuring that the presentation ceremony for the “European Award for Citizenship, Security and Defence” takes place during the annual Berlin Security Conference, an exceptional setting for discussion of political, social, military, economic, and industrial questions.
photo Behoerden Spiegel BSC 2021
Mr Laurent Borzillo (France),
For his thesis on European bi- and multi-national expeditionary forces, rewarded by the Universities of Montpellier and Montreal, for his seminars organised for French and German students since 2013 and for the seminars run by the Forum for Defence and Strategy.
Mrs Claude-France Arnould, Senior Advisor on European matters of the French Institute of international relations (Ifri),
presents the award to brigadier general (2s) François Chauvancy, for Mr laurent Borzillo
Photo Behoerden Spiegel BSC 2021
Winners 2019
The jury of the European Award for “Citizenship , Security and Defence” met on October 1, 2019, in Paris, Federation André Maginot, Boulevard Saint Germain. The award ceremony took place on 26 November during the Berlin Security Conference
- European Award for ” Citizenship Security and Defence »
The Fondazione De Gasperi (Roma, Italy), for the project “freedom is not free”. The aim of this project is to involve the younger generations in thinking about strategic issues such as geopolitics, defence and security, and to prepare them, underlining their sense of belonging to Europe, to take, in the future, responsibilities within the European Union.
photo Klaus Dombrowsky
- Special Award ” Awareness of Security and Defence »
The Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) which, as part of the inter-university platform known as the Euro-Mediterranean University Institute (EMUI), teaches the EuroMed Master’s degree “The European Union and the Mediterranean.” The aim of the master’s degree is to train sociologists, social workers anthropologists, political scientists, psychologists, journalists, economists, lawyers and Arabic speakers, in working for a better integration between Europe, the South and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.
photo Klaus Dombrowsky
- Special Award “Remembrance”
The Albert Schweitzer International Centre, located next to the German military cemetery in Niederbronn-les-Bains (Alsace/France). This centre welcomes groups of young people for several days, in providing them with an educational support dedicated to themes related to history, remembrance and citizenship. Like three other centres in Europe, located on places of remembrance (Lommel in Belgium, Ysselsteyn in the Netherlands and Usedom in Germany), it is run by the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V, a humanitarian organisation, in charge, by the Federal Republic of Germany, of identifying, preserving and maintaining the graves of German war victims.
photo Klaus Dombrowsky
- Jury Special Award
The editorial team of the four-monthly magazine “The European – Security and Defence Union”, for the quality of its articles and interviews, which have enabled European citizens to better understand the Defence and Security issues and policies, and have shown them the impact these policies can have on their daily lives.
photo Klaus Dombrowsky
Winners 2018
The jury of the European Award for Citizenship, Security and Defence met on 30 October 2018 in Paris, Fédération Maginot, 24 bis Boulevard Saint Germain. The 2018 winners are:
- The European Award for Citizenship, Security and Defence to : Association des Réservistes de la Région Occitanie du Service de Santé des Armées A.R.R.O.S.S.A. (comité Niel), Association des Officiers de Réserve de Haute Garonne (Comité Européen de Défense) and Maison de l’Europe des Pyrénées ;
For all the activities relating to :« the European answer to new threats», but more particularly for the efforts made by a network of European reservists, for the exchanges with counterparts in Germany, Spain and Belgium, for the support given to the wounded of the armed forces, lastly for the transfer of experience from the war medicine to the civilian emergency units facing terrorist attacks
© Behörden Spiegel, Klaus Dombrowsky
- Special award « European Security and Defence » to Mr Vladimir Kmec (Slovakia) ;
For his thesis on “the EU’s approach to peacebuilding within Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) operations and missions”, and for all his European engagement
© Behörden Spiegel, Klaus Dombrowsky
- Special Award « European Industrial and Technological Base » to the Federation of European Defence Technology Associations
For all their works (publications, studies, reports, conferences) aiming at reinforcing the European Industrial and Technological Base.
© Behörden Spiegel, Klaus Dombrowsky
- Special Award « European values » to the associations « AD AUGUSTA » (France) and HELP FOR HEROES (United-Kingdom)
For their fruitful exchanges in their support to those wounded in the service of their Nation, in particular for crossing the Channel in 2017on two sailboats, ,which is a strong historical symbol
© Behörden Spiegel, Klaus Dombrowsky
- Special Award “European citizenship » to the association « NEW EUROPEANS »,
Which champions free movement and EU citizenship rights in EU 27 and in the UK, after BREXIT.
These awards will be presented on Tuesday 27 November 2018 in the context of the Berlin Security Conference. This conference is one of the largest yearly event on European Security and Defence, gathering a thousand participants coming from 50 countries (Members of Parliament, politicians and representatives of armed forces, security organisations and industry
© Behörden Spiegel, Klaus Dombrowsky
In addition, each winner has received the Medal of the President of the French Republic.
Winners 2017
© Behörden Spiegel, Klaus Dombrowsky
The Jury for the European Award for Citizenship, Security and Defence met on Thursday 12 October 2017 in Strasbourg, in the premises of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
After the deliberation of the Jury, the 2017 Awards are attributed to the following candidates :
- The European Award for Citizenship, Security and Defence to the Lithuanian Institute, « House of Arts and Education », together with its Partners in Hungary, Lithuania, Montenegro and Portugal.
For the project « The Road of the Citizen in the Mirror of History » which is intended to remind young people that Human Rights should not be taken for granted and to show how belonging to the European Union helps to defend these rights and to feel more secure than in the isolated past.
© Behörden Spiegel, Klaus Dombrowsky
- A Special Award for « Remembrance » to the Commune of Auchy les Mines
For the exceptional participation of the population of this small town in commemorating, in 2014 and 2015, the hundred year anniversaries of the First World War, through many rich and varied activities and in particular, by welcoming delegations representing the British regiments which fought in the Battle of Loos (September/October 1915), including numerous schoolchildren.
© Behörden Spiegel, Klaus Dombrowsky
- A Special Award for « Innovation » to Madame Elodie Ferreira
For her work on the representation of conflicts and trauma in museums and memorials, for setting up her website « ComMemories » with the aim of modernising Remembrance and making it an inspiration, not a burden, for her practical guide « Speaking about tragic events with your child », to encourage the publication of her books on « Remembrance explained to children » .
© Behörden Spiegel, Klaus Dombrowsky
These awards have been presented on Tuesday 28 November 2017 in the context of the Berlin Security Conference.
The winners 2016:
- The European Award for Citizenship, Security and Defence goes to EuroDefense-Spain and EuroDefense-Portugal
for their organisation of the Vth EuroDefense Conference of Young Europeans and its follow-up. 70 young delegates, university graduates and military cadets, from six countries of the European Union met to exchange ideas, opinions and reflections in a multidisciplinary context about “The Defence of Europe: Past, Present and Future”,

- Special Award “Military Ethics” to the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace (Department of Philosophy of the University of Stockholm),
for its training of young researchers, studies on military ethics, publications, conferences and networking of researchers, policy-makers, military practitioners, and the public, mainly in the Nordic States,

On the above photography, colonel Manfred Rosenberger, member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for Military Ethics in Europe presents the award to colonel Magnus Magnusson, Swedish Defence Attaché in Berlin.
- Special Award for “Remembrance” to the French association “Mondement 1914 – the soldiers of the Marne – Joffre – Foch”,
for commemorating, each year and publicising, especially in 2014, the first battles on the Marne, with the aim of informing younger generations, in connection with the Saxon Military History Association from Dresden, the Royal Fusiliers in London and the German International School in Paris

- Special Award “European Security and Defence Awareness” to Dr Carolin Rüger from the Institute for Political Science and Sociology of the University of Würzburg (Germany),
for her research works and teaching of the European Common Security and Defence Policy, specifically for her comprehensive studies of the elaboration, implementation and perception of the policy by a European public.

On the above photography, Mr Uwe Proll, Publisher and Editor in chief of the Behörden Spiegel presents the trophy to Mrs Hildegund Rüger, mother of Carolin
The Winners 2015
Winner of the European Award “Citizenship, Security and Defence” : NGO “Geneva Call ” (Switerland).
Winner of a Special Award by the Jury : Elementary school COUSTEAU, France.
Special Award “Centenary of the Great War” : “Collectif France 40” association, France.
Special Award “Information and education on Defence and Security in the civic life : Liga dos Amigos do Museu Militar, Portugal.
Special Award “Shared Memory” : Fédération du Mémorial de l’OTAN , NATO Memorial Federation – France.
2015 Award “Military Ethics” 2015 (in partnership with the International Society for Military Ethics in Europe (Euro-ISME)) : Pr. David RODIN, Switzerland and UK.
The Winners 2014
Winner of the European Prize “Citizenship, Security and Defence” : European Union Institute for security Studies (E.U.I.S.S.), Europe.
Winner of a Special Award by the Jury : Institut Européen des Relations Internationales (I.E.R.I.), Europe.
Special Award “Centenary of the Great War” : “IG ALTE DSM 1864-1918” Association – Germany..
Special Award “European Citizenship & Conscience” : “EGC&Associés” Company – France.
2014 Award “Military Ethics” (in partnership with the International Society for Military Ethics in Europe (Euro-ISME) : Centre for Military Ethics in the Federal Armed Forces (ZEBIS) – Germnay.
The Winners 2013
Winner of the European Award :
DOBROSOLOWO School (Poland) for all actions aiming at teaching the European identity, the respect of Human rights, and tolerance, through a modern system of education.
Special Award « Centenary of the First World War» :
Association ” LE SAILLANT DE SAINT MIHIEL” (France) for all actions aiming at teaching to the young generations local history, in particular during the First World War, and for all French-German ceremonies organized by the association since 2002.
Special Award “European Defence Industry” :
European Defense Economic Network (EDEN-LYON – France) for creating a network of Small Companies and partnerships with European equivalent clusters.
Speacial Award “Citizenship and Defence” :
Association « Grand Méchant Loup », lycée franco-allemand de BERLIN (Germany) for all actions (videos, researches, interviews) allowing students to discover POLAND, CENTRAL EUROPE and European History through a virtual journey.
Special Award « Peace in Europe » :
International Society for Military ethics in Europe (EURO-ISME) (Europe) for all actions regarding Military Ethics (Training publications and research)
The Winners 2012
The European Award ” Citizenship, Security and Defence ” has been awarded to : The European Security Round Table, Brussels – Belgium.
The Award ” To the benefit of Youth” has been awarded to : Peace School of Grenoble – France.
The Award “Europe of the Regions” has been awarded to : The House of Europe – Rennes – France.
The Award “Memory and Reconciliation” has been awarded to : Major (rc) Simon of the A.N.O.R.A.A.- sector 410 Essonne – France.
The Award ” Research and Technology” has been awarded to : Mr Daniel ANTONY, Besançon – France.
The Award “Europe of Peace” has been awarded to : EUROCORPS, Strasbourg – France.
The Winners 2011
The European Award for “Citizenship, Security and Defence ” 2011 has been awarded to :
M. Hartmut BÜHL for the edition of his magazine “The European Security and Defence Union”, for his personal commitment and the skills of his editorial team.
The ex-aequo second prize has been awarded to:
The Association of Portuguese defence, security and citizenship young listeners (DECIDE), which aims to interest young people in defence issues, to make these issues affordable and for its desire to bring closer military and civilian domains at the European level.
The Network EURODEFENCE, present in 13 countries of the European Union, to organize the 11 to 16 July 2010 to meet the youth, which ended with concrete proposals addressed to Mrs ASHTON, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission.
Weimar Club (Poland) for his will to turn the Polish Foreign Policy towards the European Union
Research Group « Security and Defence Policy » (Spain), Chair Amiral Don Juan de Borbon, COMPLUTENSE Universtity, MADRID, in partnership wit the spanish Center (CESEDEN), for their research activities, and for their efforts to link University and the “Defence World”
The CiDAN special prize has been awarded to :
The European Security and Defence Assembly / WEU Assembly for his tireless support to the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).